Friday, September 30

Progress Reports

Today your child was sent home with a mid-quarter progress report. Please review this report, sign it, and return the bottom portion to school with your child on Monday. 

Wednesday, September 28


Many parents should have received a note yesterday regarding addition facts.  Based on a recent assessment, I assigned each child a different set of addition facts to memorize. These facts should be practiced nightly until your child has them memorized (can answer immediately without counting on fingers).  Several students did not receive this note because they have mastered their facts; however, students should still review their facts to ensure they stay sharp.

Monday, September 26

Walk to School Safety Assembly

Wednesday, October 5, is our annual walk to school day and to prepare for it the students participated in an assembly led by the Cudahy Health Department.  During this assembly the children learned how to be safe while going to school.  Tips included:
  • Wearing helmets when on a bike or skateboard
  • Walking, not riding, your bike accross the street
  • Staying on the sidewalks
  • Looking both ways before crossing the street
  • The importance of wearing bright or reflective clothing at night. 
Watch your child's folder, and this blog, for more infromation about walk to school day.

Thursday, September 22

Student Council

This week we held the student council elections.  Congratulations to Kenna and John!  They were chosen to be our class' representatives to Kozy's student council. 

Friday, September 16

Friday Wrap-up

As we finish up the first full week of the school year, I wanted to use this post to share what they students have learned this week.

They continue to work on cursive letters and have added j, p, and a to their repetoire.  The students are doing exceptionally well, but it is important that we continue to stress propper technique.  It is very easy to lapse into bad habits.

In reading, in addition to AR, we've complelted our second story of the year, Mulan. Using this story as a tool, the children have also been working on the skill of inferencing and then practicing that skill during their guided reading lessons.

The children have been learning the different types of words that comprise a sentence including, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.  Next week, the students will learn how to combine these elements in various ways to add interest to their work.

Yesterday the students completed their last MAP test of the fall.  I will use these results to help guide instruction over the next several months.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or write.

AR Progress

As we wrap up the first week of Accelerated Reader, I wanted to point out that the students have been doing a wonderful job.  Most students have cmpleted at least one test, with several students completing two or more.  In one week's time, they have read a total of 125,426 words-Great Job!

This quarter's word leaders are:
John-54,529 words
Kenna-17,668 words
Lucas-8,398 words

Field Trips

Our field trips have all been scheduled and reserved.  I had planned on sending the permission slips home today, but have not received the copies back from printing.  In the mean time, you can download the permission slips here.  All of our field trips, days off, and special events are also listed on this site's calendar, which can be accessed by clicking on the link near the top of the page.

Thursday, September 15

Accelerated Reader

The students have had nearly a full week with their Accelerated Reader books and I am very please with the progress that many students have already made toward reaching their goals.  By the end of next week Monday, all students must have passed at least one AR test.  Any student not reaching this benchmark, will need to stay in for recess to catch up on reading.  Please make sure your child is spending at least 15 minutes each evening reading.

Chilly Weather

As we push our way through September, the weather is becoming more fall-like.  Please remind your child to dress for the weather.  Many students today neglected to bring coats or sweatshirts.

Thursday, September 8

Fund Raiser

Today Kozy launched it's annual fund raiser.  Please take a moment today to read through the materials and consider asking family and friends to help support our school.

Wednesday, September 7

MAP Testing

Today our class took the first MAP test of the year.  This test is taken three times each year and assesses the students in the areas of Reading, Language Arts, and Math.  Each test takes approximately 30-60 minutes to complete.  We will take the remaining two tests on 9/14 and 9/15.

These tests are administered by a computer and are designed to help us to understand each childs current academic level and areas of strength and weakness within each test.

Tuesday, September 6

Today's Notes

Today your child is bringing home notes concerning "Highlights" magazine, "Puzzlemania," and Book Orders. 

Please take a moment to review the "Highlights" and "Puzzlemania" slips.  If you choose to order, please fill out the form, sign it, and return it with your child tomorrow.  However, even if you don't choose to order, please return the slip signed.  If everyone in the class returns the slips our class will earn prizes from the publisher.

The first week of each month I will send home book orders (as I did today).  If you plan on purchasing books, please have your order returned by Friday with checks made out to "Scholastic."  If you order books from multiple catalogues, you only need to write one check.  Book orders will always be due on Fridays.

Our First Lab

Today the students participated in their first science class and their first science lab.  They worked together in teams and made observations about water, rocks, and air.  They then used these observations to develop definitions for liquids, solids, and gasses.