Wednesday, November 30

Another Field Trip

At the beginning of the school year I sent home a sheet listing each field trip we would attend this year.  We now have one more.  Just recently our school was given the opportunity to attend the Read it to Beat it, Guiness World Record Challenge.  In conjunction with Winterfest, the United Way, the Brewers Foundation, and Half Priced Books are attempting to break the world's record for the largest group read alound. 

Ryan Grant, Craig Counsell, and Tom Barrett will be reading to an assembled croud of over 5,000 children which will break the world's record and enter us all into the Guiness Book of World Records.  In addition to the read aloud, there will be presesentations by the Milwaukee County Zoo, Schlitz Audubon Center, the Milwaukee Bucks Energy Dancers, and WMYX. 

The fee for this trip is $1.50.  Permission slips and payment is due next Wednesday, December 7.  Chaperons are free.  I am limiting this trip to three chaperones.  Priority will be given to those that return the slips first and to parents unable to attend the other trips.

For more information, click here.

Monday, November 28

Food Drive

Kozy will be having it's annual food drive beginning Monday.  Donations will be delivered to Cudahy/St. Francis Project Concern.  The class that brings in the most food earns a ice cream party.

Each day has a different theme, each day's theme is listed below.

Monday: Peanut Butter
Tuesday: Canned Tuna
Wednesday: Canned Soup
Thursday: Canned Fruit or Vegetables
Friday: Anything.

!!!Date Change!!! for the Holiday Concert


Mark your calendars, the Winter Concert has been rescheduled.  The concert will now be held on January 10, 2012 at 6:30. 

Monday, November 21

Movie Day

As the children collect Eagle Tickets, teachers count them and record the number the class has earned as a group.  Because each class at Kozy has earned over 100 Eagle Tickets, Mrs. Berner rewarded the school with a morning movie.  Today the children gathered in the gym to watch the movie, Two Brothers.  Thank you to the third graders for their excellent behavior during this event.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thank you to all of the parents that attended parent-teacher conferences tonight.  I enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to working with you throughout the remainder of the year. If you have any further questions, please contact me.

Christmas Carol

Thursday, November 17

Hometown Holiday at the Cudahy Family Library

On November 26, join your friends at the Cudahy Family Library for a Hometown Holiday celebration.  At 1:30, you can enjoy "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" followed at 2:30 with a visit by and pictures with Santa Claus. The event caps off with a tree lighting ceremony complete with hot chocolate and cookies.

Letter from Your Child

Dear Mom and/or Dad,

     Last week you saw my report card, and next week you will speak to my teacher.  This report card is my teacher’s attempt to describe my actions and accomplishments at school.  When you read the card, and talk to my teacher, please remember that he is describing someone near and dear to you, so please don’t get “uptight” if you see something you do not agree with.  I hope you will accept me as I am.

     Remember that all children do not learn to walk and talk at the same age, nor do they learn math and reading at the same rate.  Please do not compare me to my brothers and sisters or friends, because I am unique to this world.  Be realistic in setting my goals.  I need to be challenged, but not pushed beyond my ability.  I want to be successful and I need time to “smell the flowers” while I am still a child.

     Please remember that my report card is a picture of me at school.  It is a whole different world from the one at home.  Can you imagine having 22 children my age at the dinner table tonight, or 200 children in our backyard playing?  Don’t be surprised to find that I respond in a different manner at school.

     My teacher knows me as I am at school.  You know me as I am at home.  The “real me” may be somewhere in between.  I know you see me as a unique individual who can make you proud and bring you much happiness.  I will try my best.

With love from your child.                  

Tuesday, November 15

Mr. Source Assembly

Yesterday, the students participated in an assembly led by Mr. Source, a martial arts instructor.  During the assembly the students learned a few self-defense techniques while also learning about self-discipline, responsibility, and respect.  Students also learned about peaceful ways to deal with bullies.

The children really responded to Mr. Source and I was impressed both by their behavior and by the speed at which they learned his lessons.  As a fund raiser for the Kozy PTA, Mr. Source will be offering Tae-Kwon-Do lessons that emphasize learning, focus, discipline, and respect.  Lessons are $30 for a 3-week session with all proceeds going directly to the PTA. 

Sign up sheets are going home with your child today.

Saturday, November 12

Veteran's Day

Yesterday, Friday, November 11, was Veteran's Day.  To celebrate the students at Kosciuszko assembled at the flag pole.  Once there, several fourth grade students spoke about the US military and the reasons behind the Veteran's Day holiday before we recited the Pledge of Allegiance as a school

Thursday, November 10

Report Cards and Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences will be held November 21; your child should have brought home a note detailing your parent-teacher conference time.  Please look for it tonight.

Also, tomorrow, November 11, your child will be brining his/her report cards home.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the report card.

Field Trip

Just a reminder, tomorrow is our field trip to First Stage Children's Theather.  We will be seeing the play Don't Tell Me I Can't Fly. Here is a review from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Friday, November 4

Dance Party

To celebrate the end of the first quarter, every Kozy student who did not have an office referral for the quarter participated in a dance party. Students had a wonderful time dancing to songs like the Chicken Dance and the Freeze song.  To see pictures from other grades, visit Kozy's School Site.

October Newsletter

The October issue of the Third Grade Tribune was sent home with your child today.  Please take a moment to read through the information.  If you would like a digital copy, click here.

Thursday, November 3

Accelerated Reader Home Connect

Parents now have the ability to track their child's progress on AR.  By following this link, you can view your child's scores on tests and their progress towards his or her goals.  This is a wonderful tool that will allow you to closely monitor your child's success.