Saturday, April 30

Bird Adaptation Paragraphs

Earlier in April, the students learned about adaptations and then worked to create their own, imaginary bird with adaptations that allowed it to live in a habitat of the students' choosing.  The pictures were wonderful and I was impressed with the students' creativity. 

Students were then instructed to write a paragraph describing their birds.  Below are some sample paragraphs.

My bird is called "fish-eater." My bird lives in the ocean.  The fish-eater bird eats fish like blue gills, cod, and salmon.  The legs help it stand up because if it had short legs they would snap.  The neck helps it stick out of the water if it needs air.  Also, the sharp beak helps it to dig into the fish so it can eat it more easily.  The tail helps it swim.  These are the things about my fish-eater bird.

-By Destiny

Student Paragraphs on the Multiplication Tournament

Did you hear that I beat Cameron but not Madison in the math tournament? When it was my turn, I was nervous. Then we started. My heart was pounding and then next thing I knew Cameron was winning and I was falling behind. When the buzzer went off we counted all of our cards, Cameron had 23 or 26. I had 29 cards! I was full of excitement! After all of that, I was against Madison. I was afraid that Madison would win. We competed and then counted our cards. Madison had ten flash cards, I had only nine flash cards. I was sad, but at least I went against her. In the end, Brianna had first place, Jose had second place, Madison had third, and Dylan had fourth place. Soon, the entire math tournament was finished and we ate ice cream. I chose a kind of swirled vanilla and chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and regular white whipped cream with some chocolate syrup.

-By Amirah

I earned third place in multiplication tournament! In my first round I dueled Banner. My math skills crushed him. Once Zoe, who was holding the green flashcards, didn't even hold up a card and I answered it. Banner said, "Hey! I wasn't ready!"  Then I got a "Sweet Sixteen" certificate. Next, I went

Wednesday, April 27

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

Last Thursday, April 20, the third graders had a fantastic time at the Audubon Nature Center.  Thankfully, it was one of the few sunny, warm days we've had this year and the students were able to spend the day outside.  The day had three major activities: ponding, wetland animal petting zoo, and the creature feature.

The students started out the day ponding.  Ponding entailed dipping into different ponds with strainers and then examining the creatures caught.  Students were able to observe animals like mosquito larvae and pernicious diving beetles. 

After, they learned a little bit about some of the larger creatures that live in Wisconsin ponds.  These included turtles, frogs, and salamanders.  Animals were brought out on display and students were allowed to touch some of them.

The day ended with a "creature feature." During the creature feature some of the animals that we caught during the day were brought out and projected on a screen so that the students could get a larger look at them while learning a bit more about what made each unique.

It was a wonderful field trip in a beautiful place.  Each child received a free family pass to the nature center;  I encourage everyone to visit.  To see more pictures, please click here.

Thursday, April 21

Walk-a-Thon and Carnival

Yesterday the students enjoyed the kick-off assembly for our 2nd annual walk-a-thon and carnival.  On May 20th, students will be walking around Pulaski Park to raise money for our school.  Students are asked to collect pledges and return the pledge sheet by May 13th.  As students earn money for Kozy, they also earn prizes for themselves. 

If your child collects pledges worth:
  • $75-Two tickets to a Brewers game, unlimited bounce house visits, and $5 for food at the carnival
  • $50-Two tickets to a Brewers game, unlimited bounce house visits, and a free hot dog
  • $40-Unlimited bounce house visits and $5 for food
  • $30 Unlimited bounce house visits and a hot dog
You child will bring home a note and pledge sheet today.  Please read it over, and mark your calendars for the Kozy Carnival on May 20th from 4-7.

Monday, April 18

Snow? Really?

Last May, when I scheduled this Thursday's field trip, I thought that late April would be a warm time to schedule an outside field trip; apparently I was wrong. While Thursday's forecast doesn't show any rain (or snow!) it still looks to be a rather chilly day.  Please send your child dressed for the weather.  The field trip is almost entirely outdoors.

Friday, April 15


Kozy can earn money collecting your trash!  Please bring in your empty print cartridges (laser or inkjet) as well as old laptops, iPods, and cell phones.  For every item brought in, Kozy will earn money to help support the great things we do at this school. 

Items can be sent to school with your child or dropped off in the collection boxes on the office counter and in the hallway across from the first grade classrooms. 

Accelerated Reader

This week the students hit another milestone-Three Million Words!  For reading three million words in the third quarter, students have earned an Ice Cream Party!  Next week is a very busy week already, so they will get to enjoy their tasty treat when we return from spring break.

This quarter's word leaders continue to pile on the words.

Madison-426,595 words
Alyse-123,359 words
Jonathan-77,582 words

As we prepare for the last month of school, I thought I would take a moment to look back at the number of words the students read this school year.  When looking back, I found that our 13 students have read a total of 5,604,970 words!  Great job everyone.

Tornado Awareness Week

April 11-15 is Tornado Awareness Week in Wisconsin. Yesterday, Kozy held a tornado drill where students practiced what to do in the event of a tornado. The students learned that they needed to walk quietly to an interior hallway, kneel down while facing the wall, and then to duck and cover their heads.

This week would be a great opportunity for your family to review your procedures should a tornado hit Cudahy.  Follow this link to read some safety tips:

Thursday, April 14


Yesterday the students enjoyed a band concert performed by the fifth and sixth graders from Cudahy. As part of the concert, high school students also performed. It's always amazing to me to see the level of talent that is found within our students and also how much the students improve in the few short years between elementary school and high school.

Tomorrow, band and orchestra teachers will be visiting the third graders to talk about opportunities to learn these instruments.

Wednesday, April 13

Honor Roll

Congratulations to the following students who earned a spot on the honor roll for the third quarter:

Zach B.
Destiny B.
Jalen B.
Mary C.
Alyse D.
Jared F.
Dylan G.
Tori G.
Jonathan G.
Madison H.
Jonas L.

Tuesday, April 12

Bird Adaptations

Today the children used what they learned about adaptations and birds to design and draw their own birds.  Everyone came up with creative designs and then used their ideas to write a paragraph explaining the bird's habitats and how the bird's body parts help it to survive in it.

Friday, April 8

Friday Wrap-up

Happy Friday everyone!  In addition to the two MAP tests we took this week, the focus was on science and writing. 

This week the children wrote paragraphs with a focus on the trait of "ideas."  They were to write paragraphs that had "fascinating details that burst off of the page."  Everyone worked very hard on them and I should have some samples posted for you to read early next week.

In science, the children learned about animal adaptations with a concentration on bird adaptations.  We examined differences in bird beaks, feet, legs, and wings and determined how each body part helped the animal to survive.  Next week, we will be creating our own birds and writing about how its adaptations help it to survive.

Feet are adapted to where the bird lives and what it eats.

Beaks are adapted to what the bird eats.

Accelerated Reader Update

Another milestone was reached this week after the students read 2,549,029 words in the second quarter.  This earned each child a homework pass. 

Next week monday, April 11, the students will be "cashing in" their reward for reaching two million words.  The children decided that Monday will be a dress up day.  They are encouraging each other to where their sports related clothing. 

The current fourth quarter word leaders are:
Madison: 257,154
Jonathan: 77,582
Amirah: 55,502

Wednesday, April 6


You may have seen this already, but it's worth mentioning. There is a live video stream of bald eagles and their chicks at this link:

Tuesday, April 5

MAP Testing

Today the students took the first of their last MAP tests.  All Cudahy elementary students third grade and older take the MAP tests three times each year; once each in fall, winter, and spring.  We use these results to help us to gauge student progress in math, reading, and language arts.

Today we took our reading test and the students did very well.  The next test, math, will be given on Thursday. 

Friday, April 1

End of Quarter Celebration

Congratulations to my entire room!  We were one of two classes at Kozy with no office referals for the quarter.  The entire class was able to play a variety of games at the end of the day today.

Report Cards

Your child receives his or her report card today.  They are also getting March's third grade tribune.  Check the backpack for them.