Wednesday, December 21

Read it to Beat it Challenge

Yesterday we all enjoyed our field trip to the US Cellular Arena to be part of "Read it to Beat it." We joined over 4,500 other students to break the world's record for the largest read aloud.

Prior to the event, each student recieved a "goodie bag" containing gift certificates, a new book, and a United Way t-shirt.  We were then entertained by mascots from the Bucks, Admirals, and Wave as well as WMYX's Van "The Man" McNeal as he energized the crowd for the exciting event. 

The main attraction began when Ryan Grant, Craig Counsell, and Tom Barrett began reading to us from three different books.  After they had succesffuly read to us for over 30 minutes, and the attendance was confirmed, the record was broken and the event will be listed in the Guiness Book of World's Records.

After lunch, the students were entertained by shows from the Milwaukee County Zoo and the Schlitz Audubon Center.  These shows taught the students about Wisconsin's bird's of prey and about the importance of the honey bee. 

To watch a brief newscast of the event, click here.  At about the one minute point, see if you can spot one of Kozy's teachers.  To see more pictures, click here.

Monday, December 19

Christmas Song Riddles

Many of you have been listening to WMYX these last few weeks and have been surrounded by Christmas Songs twenty four hours a day. I thought it appropropriate to post some riddles to see how well you know the song titles. 

Following this link will take you to a set of picture riddles.  Each picture can be decoded to a title of a popular Christmas song.

Following this link or this link will take you to word puzzles.  For these puzzles, the titles of popular songs are reworded in a very complex way.  For example, "Oh Come All Ye Faithful," is rewritten as "Approach everyone who is steadfast." 

Some of the riddles are easy enough for third graders.  Some will even stump their parents.

Wednesday, December 14

Tuesday, December 13

Food Drive

Thank you to everyone who brought in food for our school food drive.  As a class, we brought in 57 items that have been donated to Cudahy Project Concern.

Thursday, December 8

Science Test

Next week Friday, December 16, the students will be taking their next science test.  Please spend some time studying for the test with your child.  Students should plan on studying for at least 40 minutes if they are to do well on the test.  Click here to download the study note.

Tuesday, December 6

Yes You Can! assembly

Yesterday students at Kosciuszko were treated to an assembly led by paraolympian Lloyd Bachrach.  Lloyd was born missing most of the bones in his legs, but he didn't let that stop him. During his presentation Lloyd stressed that the only thing standing between a child and his/her dreams is the child's own motivation. 

Lloyd detailed how he learned to do things differently than other children, but still did them.  He played baseball, volleyball, and swam as a child.  In high school he placed at the state championships for gymnastics. As an adult, he participated in the Atlanta Paraolympic Games for volleyball.

Lloyd stressed that despite the challenges he faced, he continued to persevere and accomplished what he set out to do.  He never let other people tell him what he could or could not do. 

Visit to learn more about Lloyd Bachrach.

Thursday, December 1

Accelerated Reader Update

It's been a while since I've posted an update of the students' progress in Accelerated Reader.  Last quarter the students did a very good job and the vast majority of the students reached their quarterly goal.  This quarter, the students are having more difficulty.  We are now just over 1/3 of the way through the quarter, and only half of the students are on track to reach their point goal for the quarter.  Please remind your child to read nightly.  Those students falling behind are required to spend their recess inside reading.

So far our class has read a total of 2,537,667 words this year.
Our Word Leaders for the quarter are:
John - 448,011
Lucas - 79,685
Kenna - 74,277

Our Word Leaders for the year are:
John - 1,195,040
Kenna - 186,950
Jaycob - 135,866

Ronald McDonald Visits Kozy

Yesterday students in grades 1-4 were able to attend an assembly hosted by Ronald McDonald.  During the assembly the children learned that it's important to give back to their friends, family, and community.  Students learned that they could give of their time, their talents, and gifts.