Tuesday, December 6

Yes You Can! assembly

Yesterday students at Kosciuszko were treated to an assembly led by paraolympian Lloyd Bachrach.  Lloyd was born missing most of the bones in his legs, but he didn't let that stop him. During his presentation Lloyd stressed that the only thing standing between a child and his/her dreams is the child's own motivation. 

Lloyd detailed how he learned to do things differently than other children, but still did them.  He played baseball, volleyball, and swam as a child.  In high school he placed at the state championships for gymnastics. As an adult, he participated in the Atlanta Paraolympic Games for volleyball.

Lloyd stressed that despite the challenges he faced, he continued to persevere and accomplished what he set out to do.  He never let other people tell him what he could or could not do. 

Visit http://www.yes-you-can.net/index.php to learn more about Lloyd Bachrach.