Monday, January 28

Family Dance Baskets

Once again PTA is organizing a Basket Auction for the family dance. Each graade level is asked to collect itmes for a basket. Third grade's theme is "Baking and Cookie Making." Children are asked to bring in related to this theme. Some suggestions are:

  • Boxed cookie & Cake mix
  • Frosting
  • Sprinkles
  • Cookie cutters
  • Spatulas
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Cupcake holders

Friday, January 25

Week in Review

Well, we made it through the first full week (at least the first full week of me in the classroom) since break. After the cold weather that forced us inside for recess, it was a welcome relief to be able to allow the children the chance to run outside and burn off some energy.

This week we began our unit on multiplication. We start slowly and introduce the children to the concept by having them develop their own groupings and then work with them to to figure out how many total items. For example, some students wrote:

There are three black labs.
Each black lab has four legs.
There are 12 legs in all.

Working this way ensures that the children know when and why they multiply. We have begun solving these problems by counting by the number in each group (in the above example we'd count by 4) or through repeated addition (4+4+4=12). Several of the children already have some multiplication facts memorized and I look forward to seeing more children master this skill.

In writing, we continue to focus on word choice. this week we analyzed student writing and graded it using the rubric that I grade the students on. The children were asked to analyze various pieces of writing and then describe the positive and negative aspects of each piece of writing. The goal is to help the children better understand what constitutes good word choice. Ultimately, I'd like the children to grade their own work as harshly as they graded these samples.

This week we began our next science chapter. This one focuses on force, work, and simple machines. We didn't get too far on this, because we needed to allot time for our winter MAP tests. Like the fall, these tests were lengthy and focused on the skills of reading and math. I will be discussing the results of this test with your child next week.

Next week we start the second week of the quarter and many students are already behind on their AR reading. Please remind your child to read nightly. I expect each child to read at least 20 minutes each evening.


The students did a great job on their volcanoes and had a blast watching them erupt. Click here, or on a picture, to see all of the pictures larger.

Report Cards

Report Cards are sent home today. Please check your child's folder. If you have any questions, contact me.

Math Problems Explained

It's been quite a while since I posted an explanation on how to solve student problems, so I decided to take a moment and remind parents about the featur on the classroom website.

On the menu, there is a link for Math Problems Explained. On this page I post in class explanations to math problems so that you can better help your child at home. Today I posted a video on how to solve multiplication problems when you know the total, but are missing one of the factors. For instance, ____x6=30.

Thursday, January 17


During the past several days, the students have been working on angles. Over the course of their work, they have learned that right angles are 90 degrees, that acute angles are less than 90 degrees, and that obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees. Today, they worked on the first part of an angle project where they used their iPads to measure angles in the room.  Below is some of their work.

Tuesday, January 15


As I wrote, I wasn't in the building today. As it turns out there was a bit of a problem getting into the lab. As a consequence, the science test will be on Thursday. A couple of more days to study!!

Monday, January 14

I will be gone

Tomorrow and Wednesday, January 15 & 16, I will be at a training. Andrea Good is scheduled to be my substitute. I will be checking email while I'm away if you need to contact me.

New Field Trip Date

The date has been set for our rescheduled field trip. The new date is February 13. Most students are set for this trip, but each child will be sent home with a note indicating what he/she may still need to return.

Friday, January 11

Week in Review

This week we spent some time working "Word Choice" in student writing. Using good word choice means that students use the best, most specific word for any occasion. We went through some "boring" words and worked on finding more specific replacements.

In math we began studying and building triangles. Our first step was to determine what all triangles have in common. Next week will begin looking at angles and quadrilaterals.

Lastly, students began constructing their own websites. These websites will be used as electronic portfolios where their work will be stored. Currently, there is only one paragraph on their websites, but they will be adding more to their sites as the school year progresses. You can find your child's website linked off of the classroom site.


Shortly we will begin our math unit on multiplication and it would be helpful for students to start practicing now. There are many websites and apps that students can use, but one that is exceptionally engaging is called "Timez Attack." Unlike most of what I use with the students, this is an actual comptuer program that must be downloaded to use.  Within the next week or two, I will be setting up a class account for this program. With this account, students will be able to play both at home and at school and I will be able to monitor their progress. However, feel free to download the program now and get a jump start on it. Please note, there is a free version as well as a paid version.

Science Test

In preparation for next week's science test, we spent some time reviewing the material today. Through the course of the review, it became clear that many students have forgotten the material, especially that which was covered before our winter break. Every child has brought home their science book and green study packet today. Spend time this weekend studying. It is always better to study a little bit each day rather than all at once the night before a test.

Thursday, January 10

Extra Special Spirit Day Tomorrow!

On our last Spirit Day, our class did a little better than usual and finally broke the 50% participation mark. We have a chance to improve again tomorrow on an extra special spirit day. To celebrate our very own Green Bay Packers, any Packer clothes will count towards our spirit count. Show your Packer Pride tomorrow and help us win the traveling trophy.

Monday, January 7

Book Orders

Book orders were sent home today.  If you would like to order, please have them turned in with payment by Friday. As always,  you can order online at Our class activation code is: GVWB3

Saturday, January 5

Field Trip Postponed

Mrs. Lew and I are very sad to announce that we are forced to postpone our January 16 field trip. We don't have the rescheduled date yet, but it will be sometime in the first half of February.

The permission slip that you have already signed remains valid and the price will be the same as well. If you have not yet paid, I ask that you send your money soon. As soon as we receive word from the Audubon Center we will let you know the new date.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Friday, January 4


Today the children worked on area and congruency. Given a square and two different sized triangles, children worked in pairs to create different shapes that had an area of four square unitsand then glued them to make a poster. Children needed to make sure that each shape was unique and that there were no congruent figures. 

Thursday, January 3

Science Test January 15

We are finishing up the latest science chapter next week and will have our test the following week. As I did for the last test, I have created a study set of the vocab words for the chapter on the website Quizlet. Click here to see the set. For full information about the site, as well as how you can use your iPhone/iPad to study, please read the Novemeber 11 blog post.

I have also uploaded each of the PowerPoints I use to when teaching the lessons. You can find them here.

We will be taking the test on Chapter B1

If you find these useful, please comment on the post or send me an email. I didn't receive any feedback for the last set and if parents/students aren't using this tool I won't use it in the future.