From this site, the students can study the vocab words like an ordinary set of flash cards, get quizzed on the words, and take practice tests on the words. There are also two games that the students can play that will help them to study the words.
Also, for those of you with an iPhone or iPad, your child can study using a free app called Flashcards*. To download the app, click here. Once you've downloaded the app, open it and click on "Flashcards." From the flashcard library, click on the plus sign in the upper right and and choose "Download from Quizlet." By searching for "borzickj" as the author, you will see the
flashcards available for download. Currently there is only one stack.
I have also uploaded each of the PowerPoints I use to when teaching the lessons. You can find them here.
Please send me an email or write a comment if this is something that you find useful. If parents and students like this idea, I will continue to make these flashcards available for future chapters.