Tuesday, March 5

Science Test

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your third grader will be taking his/her next science test next week. Mrs. Lew’s class will take it on Monday, March 11. Mr. Borzick’s class will take it Tuesday, March 12. The material covered on the test will be taken from Chapter 2 of the Physical Science Unit.  The chapter is titled “Forces Machines and Work’ and begins on page B34 and ends on B55.  

Your child will be taking home a green packet of worksheets that he or she can use to study. The material contained in the three lesson assessments and the graphic organizer is found on the test.

Some of the things you can study with your child are:
1) Chapter content (reread lessons, review lesson questions)
2) Worksheets and Graphic Organizers sent home today
3) Thorough understanding of the Vocabulary Words is very important.  Know more than just their definitions.
4) Understand how simple machines work and what they are.
5) Understand how a lever works and where a fulcrum is best placed.

This material has been covered in class, but students should plan on studying at least 40 minutes in order to do well on the test.  Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns.