Tuesday, March 12

Spirit Week

Get Ready....Next week is Spirit Week and Money Madness!

This year we continue to raise money for Kozy to continue to add technology to our school. Bring your nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars to help buy more computers and iPads.

This year we will again have Stuck for a Buck. On Thursday, bring in your dollars to buy a piece tape to stick MRS. BERNER to the wall!

Monday, 3/18--Crazy Hat & Hair Day.....bring your nickels.
Tuesday, 3/19--Class Color Day, our color is YELLOW.....bring your dimes
Wednesday, 3/20--Wack Wednesday, dress crazy with mismatch socks, shoes, and many collors....bring your quarters.
Thursday, 3/21--Pajama Day and STUCK FOR A BUCK!....Bring your dollars to buy tape.
Friday, 3/22--Wisconsin Sports Day....Bring Any Money

The classroom raising the most money, earns a pizza party!!